Why A Keyless Entry Remote Transmitter Is Called A Fob Or Key Fob?

What is a Key Fob?
A key fob, also known as a fob key, is a small electronic device that allows drivers to perform various functions such as locking, unlocking, and starting their vehicles with the press of a button. The device uses radio waves to communicate with a car's onboard computer. It is important to keep the fob key secure, as it can be used to gain access to the car or even to start the engine. Therefore, many key fobs come equipped with security features, such as a code that must be entered before the car can be started.

What Does Fob Stand For?
The word "fob" has a long history and has gone through several meanings over time. Originally, a fob referred to a small pocket used for storing valuables. By the early 1900s, a fob also referred to as the ornament hanging from the chain of a pocket watch. In the mid-1900s, it became a common term for any ornament that hangs on a keychain. When remote keyless entry systems started to gain popularity in the 1980s, car dealers and mechanics began to use the term "fob" to describe the remote transmitter used to unlock and lock car doors. Today, the terms fob and keyfob are widely used to refer to these devices.

How Does a Key Fob Work?
When a driver presses a button on the key fob, it sends a signal to the car, which then performs a function such as unlocking the doors or starting the engine. Some key fobs use rolling code technology, which changes the code each time the key is used. This helps to prevent unauthorized access, as the same code cannot be used to unlock the car more than once.

Fob Key Meaning and Security Concerns
Some key fobs use rolling code technology, which changes the code each time the key is used. This helps to prevent unauthorized access, as the same code cannot be used to unlock the car more than once. While key fobs are convenient, they also pose some security risks. Thieves can use a device called a "relay attack" to intercept the signal between the key fob and the car's computer, allowing them to unlock the car and start the engine. Some car manufacturers have implemented security measures like motion sensors and biometric authentication to prevent this type of attack. We offer Faraday Key Fob Pouch, which is designed to protect your car key fob from being hacked or cloned by blocking the signals used by thieves to steal the signal from your key fob.

Car Fobs and Key Fob Batteries
Key fobs require batteries, which need to be replaced periodically. Some key fobs have a removable cover that allows easy access to the battery, while others require a special tool or a trip to the dealership. It's important to monitor the battery level to ensure that the key fob continues to work properly.

Fob Key Replacement
If a key fob is lost or damaged, it can be expensive to replace. At Remotes and Keys we offer key fob replacement services at a lower cost than dealerships. However, it's important to ensure that the replacement key fob is compatible with the car's onboard computer.